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Objective and Operation

Our Objective

Promotion of agricultural and agro-industrial development through innovative approaches to raise
productivity and profits particularly of small-medium scale agricultural enterprises, and agro-industries.

Towards this objective, AGRIWAY

  • Undertakes practical agricultural production including crops and livestock.
  • Provides planning, management and credit sup port services to agricultural and agro industrial enterprises.
  • Commodity marketing and trade (export and import) support services, including credit facilitation, commodity inspection, quality assurance and certification.
  • Warehouse management, stock audit and control.
  • Project planning and implementation support; due diligence and business appraisal;
    and project monitoring and evaluation.
  • Evaluation of organizational performance and providing advice on needed management improvement.
  • Training in relation to the above operations.
The Team
AGRIWAY maintains a team of highly committed and dedicated staff with diverse training and experience, including Economists, Agriculturalists, Engineers, IT Officers, Bankers and Quality controllers.  AGRIWAY ensures that necessary experience, integrity, expertise, and professional advice are available to our clients at any time and place.  We operate not only in the cities but also in the rural environment.  AGRIWAY Team prides itself in not only providing efficient and cost effective services, but unique services tailored to the specific needs of our clients and the environment of operation.  Our clients do not need to spend their time and resources on irrelevances.  The capability of our team saves them time and money.
Risk Sharing
In order to show our commitment to discharging our responsibilities at the required level of integrity and competence, and minimize the risk exposure of our clients, AGRIWAY takes necessary insurance cover for its operations to indemnify its clients for any negligence, errors, infidelity, and omissions.